Malefakis Ioannis (John)
Founder 1918 to 1947

Malefakis Nikolaos (Nick)
MD from 1938 to 1982

Malefakis Ioannis (John)
MD from 1958 to 1995

Malefakis Nikolaos (Nick)
MD from 1992 to date
Many ask me to know what is the secret of a company being active continuously for more than 100 years...
I say, firstly this is not my company! The company was founded by Mr. John Malefakis in 1918, the same year of the issuance of the first Greek Customs Legislation, he is the owner, we, the rest, are the followers, the ones that continue the same values and ethics, the same aims in the timeline.
That is exactly, in my humble personal opinion, the secret. The fact that each and everyone of us strives to move the flame from generation to generation, keeping the primary lines intact. Many came, some left, best stayed.
You see... the worst enemy is one's egoism, when feeling part of the chain, he or she tends to keep the feet on the ground. It is like having someone from the past watching you! You feel the need to prove to those that you are equally worthy, thus you become by default careful.
Is it the same to hold and protect an object 1 year old and the same holding and protecting an object 30 or 50 or 100 years old? Stress is many times higher! By being extra cautious, one tends to minimise the risks, thus, lowering the risks, results in high percentage of success.
This, together with hard work I believe are the most important virtues which should keep a company for many decades.
Of course, we always follow new paths, we trial and error, we go back when we feel we wear the wrong clothes, but we know that we at least tried. Our main concern is our customers satisfaction, and we are happy to know that our customers value our efforts and keep coming back to us. Most of our customers are so many years with us, that are also personal friends already... what a joy!
New technologies, social media, ERP and mobile applications, a fully working customer portal, and many other features are already tools for our clients who enjoy the best service available in our sector, from the oldest Customs Clearance company in Greece. 100+ years of continuous succesful service is not an easy project, we must be doing something right!
And this is also due to our exceptional personnel, who strives for the best outcome, always following the main initial norms and extremely high standards set by our company founder back in 1918!
Without our dedicated customer service staff in our central in Piraeus Premises, our dedicated high end Customs agents in Piraeus, Elefsina, Eleftherios Venizelos, Thessaloniki and last but not least Chania, our company could not last one day. I feel blessed for having these people with me, and just appreciation and a good salary is not enough to express my gratitude! After all this is not, an one man show... We are a family business, we never claimed to be a huge institute, and we strive each and everyday for high end customer satisfaction.
To those that have not tried the MalCo way... it is never too late to do the right thing!
Next aim is 200 years!
Malefakis Nikolaos (Nick)
MalCo Customs Limited MD